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Latest Eswatini Parliament News

Manzini, George Hotel, 30 July, 2024

SADC PF: SRHR HIV/AIDS Governance Project Launch

Sothern African Development Community Parliamentary; Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SADC PF SRHR) in collaboration with One Billion Rising Eswatini, launched a Governance Project. The aim of the project is to end Gender Based Violence (GBV), improving access to quality health care services for girls and young women in order to have improved reproductive health rights. In addition, due to high cases of abortion, the project aims to prevent unsafe abortions and early unintended pregnancies among adolescent girls and young women, by advocating for legislative changes and improvement in health care policies.

SADC PF: SRHR HIV/AIDS Governance Project Launch
Deputy Speaker Hon. Madala Mhlanga delivering his keynote address at the launch.

SADC PF: SRHR HIV/AIDS Governance Project Launch
Hon. Futhi Ngcamphalala (r) sharing her thoughts during open discussions while Hon. Nokuthula Dlamini who is a SRHR Champion listens attentively.

SADC PF: SRHR HIV/AIDS Governance Project Launch
Parliamentarians in a group picture with stakeholders who attended the launch.