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Latest Eswatini Parliament News

Lobamba, Parliament - House of Assembly Chamber, 22 August, 2024

Prime Minister's Office Portfolio Committee

H.E. the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Russell Dlamini who is also Minister responsible for Parliamentary Affairs, appeared before the Portfolio Committee to debate the First Quarter Performance Report for the period 2024/2025. In his Preamble, he stated that the Parliamentary Service procured laptops for Parliamentarians as part of the e-Government process and also conducted training sessions through the Ministry of ICT. The Prime is also responsible for the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) and NERCHA.

Prime Minister's Office Portfolio Committee
The Office of the Prime Minister’s Portfolio Committee Chairperson Chief Prince Ngangabani (C) leading the proceedings while Committee Clerk Sabelo Shabangu (L) looks on.

Prime Minister's Office Portfolio Committee
His Excellency emphasizing a point as he delivered his preamble, with officials listening attentively.

Prime Minister's Office Portfolio Committee
Senator Stukie Motsa advocating for a thorough induction exercise on departments under the PM’s portfolio for better understanding of their operations.