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Latest Eswatini Parliament News

Lobamba, Parliament, 24 July, 2024

E200 000 Bail for Murder

The high number of murder cases, especially of women and children, has compelled Mtsambama Hon. MP Sibongile Mamba to move a Motion calling for a minimum of E200 000 bail amount for murder. The legislator enquired from the Minister for Justice, and Constitutional Affairs Hon. Prince Simelane and stakeholders if they have considered piloting a Bill that would increase the bail amount as a way of deterring the brutal killings. The Minister for Justice, Constitutional and Affairs supported this Motion, stating that it was timely as a meeting for all relevant stakeholders had already been scheduled to discuss issues pertaining to bail amounts for killings of women and children, and copper theft to name but a few.

E200 000 Bail for Murder
Hon. Speaker Jabulani Mabuza listening to Parliamentarians during the Sitting in the House of Assembly Chamber.

E200 000 Bail for Murder
Hon. Marwick Khumalo (L) listening with keen interest as HRH Sen. Prince Lonkhokhela (R) was stressing a point.

E200 000 Bail for Murder
Hon. Members of Parliament following proceeding during the Sitting.